My Setups
in workflowhey, what do you use for xyz
Operating Systems
- PC: Arch Linux
- PC: Qubes OS
- PC: Fedora
- OS: Graphene OS
- F-droid - FOSS app repository
- NewPipe - YouTube Client
- AntennaPod - Podcast Manager
- KeepassDX - Password Manager
- Slide - Reddit browser
- Materialistic - Hacker News
- Tutanota - Email
- Signal - Messenger App
- Element - Matrix Client
- Tusky
- OsmAnd+ - Maps
- GPSTest
- Termux - Terminal Emulator
Operating Systems
- Motherboard: ASRock B450 Pro4
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
- GPU: Radeon RX 5700 XT
- Laptop: Lemur Pro
Software Development
Code editing
Preferred Languages
- Python, Julia
- C++, Rust
Rust Development
- nalgebra
- Yew
- Rocket
- Cross (for using docker/podman to quickly cross-compile)
- musl for static compilation (avoiding glibc)
Research + Education
- Jupyter Notebook - quick and reactive code development
- Zotero - reference management tool
- Pandoc - convert notes to other formats
- Xournalpp
- Mastodon - Social network
- Synapse - Matrix reference implementation
- searx - metasearch engine
- Gitea - Git server